Top 5 online earning website

1. YouTube

YouTube is one of the most visited websites on the internet.YouTube is used to watch music  videos, comedy shows, how to guides, recipes, hacks and more.Here, you can make money by uploading videos every day which you like to do like traveling vlogs, cooking, tech news update, reviews of any product and more. YouTube gives money when anyone watches your video or like it from this earning peoples able to make millions of earning.

Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries.The blogs are hosted by Google and generally accessed from a subdomain of is a very easiest method in this you have to write posts in every day and writing good post will give you more views which will help you to make more money.You can write posts in any topic which you it depends on your on hobby.And you can make pages of your blog on social media apps to give more views to your blog.And this earning method you can try anywhere and anytime.

3. Fiverr 

Fiverr is a website where you can make $5 doing almost anything.On the site, people upload jobs that they're willing to do for $5, like writing Facebook posts for companies. Many of the jobs require creative skills such as graphic design or audio editing, but tasks are things you can easily do on the couch in your spare time.For example, if you are interested in painting, then you may just create a gig like “I will paint your picture for $5” and when people order from you, get the details from them. Here, you will be requiring a picture from the buyer. So, get the picture and complete the work within the delivery time you’ve specified. When you’ve completed painting, you may just submit it as a scanned image to the buyer. Remember, buyer may write a review after they purchase from you. When you deliver a best one, your gig will be reviewed as a good one and it may welcome more buyers to buy your gig. The payment will be delivered to you via Paypal account.For each gig you complete, you’ll be earning $5 where you’ll be getting $4 in your hand and remaining $1 will be taken by Fiverr as a commission.

4. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways people make money online. It is a strategy where an individual partners with a business in order to make a commission by referring readers or visitors to a business's particular product or service.You can make money by promoting your websites and showing the ads.

5. Freelancer 

You can do any freelancer jobs at and earn handful of money online. You may do whatever the job you are interested in. The person who wants to complete his/her work might hire you to do the job. All you need is to describe yourself about how much skills you have. Depending upon your skills and experience, people might hire you. Your reputation will also increase day by day when you complete orders. People who want their work to be completed will search depending on the category and skills. When your reputation is really high, you can get a lot of people hiring you for the job.

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